Your Guide to Plastic Free July - How You Can Help Make a Difference Today!

Are you looking for ways to reduce your environmental impact? Are you wondering how you can make a difference today? It's time to get on board with Plastic Free July - a movement that seeks to empower individuals, communities and businesses across the U.K. (and beyond!) to think differently about their relationship with single-use plastic and challenge themselves to refuse it in all forms of packaging or disposable items this month.

With one simple choice, you can help create lasting change for our planet – let’s make this July count! From cutting back on unnecessary plastics in grocery stores, transitioning away from straws when dining out or choosing eco-friendly alternatives as part of your daily routine – every action counts.

Welcome to our comprehensive guide to Plastic Free July! We'll explore the importance of reducing plastic waste and how you can easily make a difference today. From simple swaps to eco-friendly habits, we've got you covered with practical tips and advice for a more sustainable lifestyle. Join us in our mission to make the world a better place, one plastic-free step at a time. Let's dive in and discover how you can help protect our planet during Plastic Free July and beyond.

an image of single use plastic bottles and other consumer waste as an example of the impact of plastic pollution

The Facts - The Impact of Plastic Pollution

Plastic pollution is an alarming global issue that poses severe threats to our environment, wildlife, and human health. Every year, around 8 million metric tons of plastic waste enter our oceans, wreaking havoc on marine life and ecosystems. It's estimated that by 2050, there could be more plastic in the ocean than fish by weight. Furthermore, microplastics have found their way into our food chain, with an average person potentially consuming up to 50,000 particles each year. These staggering statistics exemplify the urgent need for collective action to reduce plastic pollution.

The consequences of plastic pollution are far-reaching and devastating. Over 1 million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals die annually due to entanglement or ingestion of plastic debris. Additionally, plastic waste contributes to habitat destruction, adversely affecting countless species and ecosystems. Moreover, the production and disposal of plastics generate greenhouse gas emissions, exacerbating climate change and its detrimental effects.

We must all take responsibility and act now to mitigate plastic pollution. By embracing sustainable alternatives and reducing our reliance on single-use plastics, we can significantly decrease the amount of waste entering our environment. Participating in initiatives like Plastic Free July and adopting eco-friendly habits can help create a lasting positive impact on our planet. Remember, every effort counts, and together, we can build a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable world for future generations.


What is Plastic Free July and how you can get involved 

Plastic Free July is an influential global movement that aims to create awareness about the harmful consequences of single-use plastics on our environment and motivate individuals to cut down on their plastic consumption. Since its inception in 2011, this initiative has been urging people to take decisive action by pledging to eradicate plastic waste not just for the month of July but for the long term. By joining Plastic Free July, you become a member of a supportive community that is committed to discovering sustainable alternatives and embracing environmentally friendly habits.

Participating in Plastic Free July is easy and accessible to all; simply promise to minimize your plastic usage during the month and document your progress with others. Initiating small changes in your daily life can have a significant impact, such as carrying reusable bags for shopping, opting for metal or bamboo cutlery instead of disposable ones, and selecting products that come in eco-friendly packaging. Also, consider exploring zero-waste stores and supporting businesses that share your commitment to reducing plastic waste.

As you embark on this journey, it's crucial to remember that every small effort you make contributes to a larger, collective impact that can help preserve our planet for generations to come. Sharing your experiences and challenges with others can further inspire and encourage more people to join the movement, ultimately creating a ripple effect of positive change across the globe.


The benefits of going plastic-free in the home 

Embracing a plastic-free lifestyle in your home offers a multitude of benefits that reach far beyond environmental preservation. By eliminating single-use plastics and adopting eco-friendly alternatives, you not only contribute to a cleaner planet but also create a healthier living environment for you and your loved ones. Plastic-free products are typically crafted from natural materials, minimizing your exposure to harmful chemicals like BPA and phthalates, which have the potential to leach from plastic containers into your food and drinks. Moreover, adopting a plastic-free mindset fosters conscious consumption, resulting in reduced clutter in your living space and eventually saving you money as you invest in long-lasting, reusable items. Furthermore, committing to a plastic-free home sets an inspiring example for your children, instilling in them the principles of sustainability and responsible living. By transitioning to a plastic-free household, you take a significant stride towards enhancing your overall well-being and making a lasting, positive impact on the environment.

The best place to start in eliminating plastics from the home is understanding which are the worst plastic products commonly found in our homes, which contribute significantly to plastic pollution.

  1. Plastic bags: Single-use plastic bags are not only non-biodegradable but also require large amounts of energy and resources to produce. They pose a significant threat to wildlife, often leading to entanglement or ingestion by animals.
  2. Disposable cutlery and straws: Plastic cutlery and straws are used for a short period and then discarded, adding to the ever-growing pile of plastic waste. These items are particularly harmful to marine life, as they can be mistaken for food or cause injury.
  3. Plastic bottles: Single-use plastic bottles, especially water bottles, contribute heavily to plastic pollution. They take hundreds of years to decompose and can release harmful chemicals into the environment during the process.
  4. Plastic cling wrap: Often used for food storage, plastic cling wrap is not recyclable and can leach harmful chemicals into food. It also adds to the growing problem of plastic waste in landfills and oceans.
  5. Microbead-containing products: Personal care products like facial scrubs and toothpaste containing microbeads (tiny plastic particles) are harmful to aquatic life. These microplastics can easily enter the food chain, eventually making their way back to humans.
  6. Synthetic Clothes Washing synthetic clothes in our washing machines also contribute to plastic waste by releasing microfibers during the washing process. These microplastics enter waterways, harm marine life, and infiltrate the food chain, posing potential risks to human health.

By replacing these items with eco-friendly alternatives such as reusable bags, metal or bamboo cutlery, glass or stainless steel bottles, beeswax wraps, and natural personal care products, you can significantly reduce your plastic footprint and contribute to a healthier environment.


a selection of sustainable plastic free products including bamboo cutlery and reusable grocery bag


Simple swaps to get you started 

Getting started on a plastic-free journey is easier than you might think, with several simple swaps that can make a big difference. First, replace single-use plastic bags with reusable cloth or canvas bags for shopping, ensuring you always have one on hand when needed. Next, swap disposable plastic cutlery and straws for reusable alternatives made from materials like stainless steel, bamboo, or silicone.

Instead of buying water in single-use plastic bottles, invest in a reusable water bottle made from glass or stainless steel. In the kitchen, opt for beeswax wraps or silicone lids instead of plastic cling wrap to store food. Finally, choose personal care products free of microbeads and consider using solid shampoo bars, conditioner bars, and bar soaps to minimise plastic packaging waste. 

Whenever possible switch to buying clothes made from natural fibres—rather than synthetic materials like polyester and nylon. More environmentally friendly fabrics include cotton, linen, wool, hemp, viscose, modal, and Tencel.

However the switch to natural clothing isn't always that simple and can be very costly particularly during the cost of living crisis many of us are facing. A more practical and cost effective solution to minimising micro plastics from our washing machines can be installing a filter that you add to your washing machine’s water outflow, to catch fibres before they enter the municipal wastewater. The second is an accessory you throw in the wash along with your clothes, such as laundry balls that capture microfibers or laundry bags made from woven monofilaments with a small pore size.

By making these small changes, you'll be well on your way to reducing your plastic footprint and contributing to a healthier environment for all.


Make your own cleaning products - recipes included! 

Creating your own plastic-free cleaning products is an eco-friendly and cost-effective way to maintain a clean home while reducing plastic waste. Many homemade cleaners can be made using simple, natural ingredients that are easily available in bulk or recyclable packaging.

Below are some great examples of everyday cleaning products you can use at home. By incorporating these homemade cleaning solutions into your routine, you'll reduce plastic waste, save money, and create a healthier home environment free of harsh chemicals.

  1. All-purpose cleaner: mix equal parts white vinegar and water in a reusable spray bottle, adding a few drops of your favourite essential oil for a pleasant scent. This mixture works well on countertops, glass surfaces, and tiles.
  2. Gentle scrub: To create a gentle scrub for sinks, bathtubs, and stovetops, combine 1 cup of baking soda with 1/4 cup of liquid castile soap and a few drops of essential oil. For a toilet bowl cleaner, mix 1/2 cup of baking soda, 1/4 cup of white vinegar, and a few drops of tea tree oil, then pour it into the toilet and scrub with a brush.
  3. Glass cleaner: Combine 1 cup of water, 1 cup of rubbing alcohol, and 1 tablespoon of white vinegar in a reusable spray bottle. This solution works well for cleaning windows and mirrors without leaving streaks.
  4. Wood polish: Mix 1/4 cup of olive oil, 1/4 cup of white vinegar, and a few drops of lemon essential oil in a spray bottle. Apply the solution to wooden furniture and surfaces using a soft cloth, then buff gently for a shiny finish.
  5. Floor cleaner: In a large bucket, mix 1 gallon of warm water with 1/2 cup of white vinegar and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Use this solution with a mop or cloth to clean tile, linoleum, or laminate flooring.
  6. Carpet deodorizer: Combine 1 cup of baking soda with 10-20 drops of essential oil, such as lavender or lemon. Sprinkle the mixture onto your carpet, let it sit for 15-30 minutes, then vacuum it up to remove unpleasant odors.
  7. Mould and mildew remover: Mix 1 part hydrogen peroxide with 2 parts water in a spray bottle, then apply the solution to moldy or mildewed areas. Allow it to sit for at least one hour before wiping away with a cloth or scrubbing with a brush if needed.

By making these homemade cleaning products, not only will you reduce plastic waste, but you'll also avoid harmful chemicals often found in commercial cleaners, promoting a healthier living space for you and your family.


Lady drinking from reusable drinking bottle

Reusable shopping bags, glass containers, and water bottles - what to look for when switching 

When making the switch to eco-friendly alternatives like reusable shopping bags, glass containers, and water bottles, it's essential to know what to look for to ensure you're making the best choices for both the environment and your lifestyle.

For reusable shopping bags, opt for durable materials like canvas or natural fibers, such as cotton or jute, which are biodegradable and long-lasting. Ideally, these bags should be machine-washable for easy maintenance and feature reinforced handles for added strength.

When choosing glass containers for food storage, prioritize ones with airtight, leak-proof lids made from silicone or stainless steel to keep your food fresh and avoid spills. Glass containers should also be oven and microwave-safe for versatile use in meal preparation.

As for reusable water bottles, select those made from high-quality, non-toxic materials like stainless steel or glass, ensuring they are free of harmful chemicals like BPA. A well-insulated bottle will maintain the temperature of your beverages, and a leak-proof lid is crucial for preventing spills on the go.

Try and prioritise products that also give back to good causes. This is an excellent way to amplify the positive impact of your eco-friendly decision. By supporting companies with a mission to contribute to social and environmental causes, you not only reduce single-use plastic waste but also help address various global issues. These companies typically donate a portion of their profits to organizations working on initiatives such as clean water access, ocean conservation, wildlife protection, or community development.

As a result, your purchase becomes more than just a personal commitment to sustainability; it actively contributes to broader efforts to create a better world. Additionally, by supporting such businesses, you encourage other companies to adopt similar practices, fostering a more responsible and conscious consumer culture. The Ocean Bottle is our favourite when it comes to looking after the planet and giving back to vulnerable communities in developing countries.

In summary, by considering the factors when switching to reusable products, you'll be well-equipped to make eco-friendly choices that benefit both your daily routine and the planet.


A selection of zero waste beauty prroducts

How to reduce plastic waste in everyday life - from food packaging to beauty products

Reducing plastic waste in everyday life requires a proactive approach, targeting various aspects of our consumption habits, from food packaging to beauty products. To minimise plastic usage in food packaging, opt for fresh produce instead of pre-packaged items, and shop at local farmers' markets or zero waste stores like Abel & Cole that offer bulk bins for items like grains, vegetables and spices. Bring your own reusable containers, such as Onya bags or Kilner jars, and cloth produce bags for these purchases, eliminating the need for single-use plastics.


For your beauty products, consider switching to solid shampoo and conditioner bars from brands like Friendly Soap and Beauty Kubes, as well as bar soaps from companies like Faith in Nature and Little Soap Company, which often come in minimal or eco-friendly packaging. Look for cosmetics and skincare products in glass or metal containers from brands like Zao, Love the Planet, and BYBI Beauty, or those that offer recycling or refill programs for their packaging, such as Lush and Neal's Yard Remedies. Additionally, choose items that are free of microbeads, which contribute to plastic pollution in waterways, and opt for natural exfoliants like sugar or salt-based scrubs from brands like UpCircle and Bloomtown.


To further reduce your plastic footprint, switch to reusable silicone food storage bags like Stasher, beeswax wraps from brands like BeeBee Wraps or The Beeswax Wrap Co., and replace disposable cutlery and straws with reusable alternatives made from materials like stainless steel or bamboo from companies like Elephant Box and Jungle Culture. Investing in a high-quality reusable water bottle from brands like Ocean Bottle, One Green Bottle, or S'well is another excellent way to minimise single-use plastic consumption.

By making these conscious choices and incorporating sustainable practices into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce your plastic footprint and pave the way for a more environmentally friendly lifestyle. Supporting brands and products that prioritise eco-friendly packaging and practices not only benefits the planet but also encourages the growth of a responsible and conscious consumer culture in the United Kingdom.

Get involved

Actively participate in Plastic Free July 2023 by supporting various events and charities that champion the reduction of plastic waste. To get involved, attend local workshops, seminars, and community clean-ups organised by environmental groups, councils, or schools. This not only helps raise awareness but also provides an opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals and learn practical tips for a plastic-free lifestyle. Donating to reputable charities focused on plastic pollution, such as Surfers Against Sewage and The Marine Conservation Society, can help fund their vital efforts in protecting marine life and promoting sustainable practices. 


Plastic Free July is an invaluable opportunity for individuals and businesses alike to take action against plastic pollution and embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. Head over to our Definitive Guide to Sustainable Corporate Gifting for more ideas on how to embrace sustainability into your gifting strategy. 

By understanding the impact of plastic waste, participating in community initiatives, making simple swaps, and adopting eco-friendly habits, we can significantly reduce our plastic footprint.

As we transition to a plastic-free home, we create a healthier living environment for ourselves and future generations while protecting our planet's precious ecosystems.

Remember, every small effort counts, and together, we can make a lasting, positive impact on our environment and foster a responsible consumer culture. Let's join forces this Plastic Free July and beyond to build a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable world for all.

If your organisation is looking for ways to get involved, then consider offering plastic-free corporate gifts with help from experienced sustainable product experts. For more information on creating plastic-free corporate gifts, get in touch!


    1. What is Plastic Free July and what's its purpose? Plastic Free July is a global movement that encourages individuals, businesses, and organizations to reduce their use of single-use plastics during the month of July. The goal is to raise awareness about plastic pollution and promote more sustainable habits that can be adopted year-round.
    2. Why is reducing plastic waste important for our environment? Reducing plastic waste is crucial because plastics take hundreds of years to decompose, causing harm to wildlife, marine ecosystems, and human health. By cutting down on single-use plastics, we can minimize pollution, conserve resources, and protect our planet for future generations.
    3. How can I participate in Plastic Free July? To participate in Plastic Free July, commit to reducing your plastic consumption during the month. This can include simple actions like using reusable bags, bottles, and containers, avoiding plastic packaging, and supporting businesses with eco-friendly practices.
    4. What are some easy ways to reduce my use of single-use plastics? Some easy ways to reduce single-use plastics include: Using reusable bags for shopping, Carrying a reusable water bottle and coffee cup, Packing lunches in reusable containers, Choosing products with minimal or no plastic packaging, Saying no to plastic straws and cutlery
    5. Can you suggest some eco-friendly alternatives to common plastic items ? Eco-friendly alternatives to common plastic items include: Cloth bags instead of plastic bags, Glass or stainless steel containers instead of plastic containers, Beeswax wraps instead of plastic wrap, Bamboo toothbrushes instead of plastic toothbrushes, Metal or silicone straws instead of plastic straws

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